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RKK Pebble
Model of RKK Energia-developed 'Brilliant Pebble' type ASAT / AICBM interceptor.
Russian military anti-satellite system. Study 1985. For interception of enemy ICBM's during boost phase NPO Energia developed a space based rocket interceptor (RP) similar to American 'Brilliant Pebble' systems.
Status: Study 1985. Gross mass: 10 kg (22 lb).
This had a mass of only 10 kg and was powered by small but high energy rocket engines that gave the vehicle the same characteristic velocity as boosters that put payloads into orbit. The miniature vehicles used advanced technology and new scientific solutions. The engines were powered by non-traditional non-cryogenic propellants with high strength materials used for the propellant tanks.
Military anti-satellite system,
Star Wars.
Korolev bureau,
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