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Part of Aestus
 RS-72 Credit: Boeing / Rocketdyne |
Rocketdyne, Ottobrunn N2O4/MMH rocket engine. Aestus engine enhanced with the addition of a Boeing-Rocketdyne XLR 32 turbo-pump.
Date: 1999. Thrust: 55.40 kN (12,454 lbf). Specific impulse: 340 s. Height: 2.29 m (7.50 ft). Diameter: 1.30 m (4.20 ft).
Dasa (Germany)/Rocketdyne Upper Stage. Gas generator, pump-fed. The RS 72 was a bipropellant turbopump rocket engine developed by Ottobrunn together with Boeing-Rocketdyne. The RS 72 was based on the Aestus engine used on the Ariane 5 upper stage. Performance was enhanced with the addition of a Boeing-Rocketdyne XLR 32 turbo-pump.
Engine: 138 kg (304 lb). Chamber Pressure: 60.00 bar. Area Ratio: 300.
Storable liquid.
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