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S5.51 LOK engine
The complex plumbing fed numerous smaller attitude control thrusters at the base of the LOK.
Credit: © Mark Wade
Isayev N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Hardware 1969. Complex engine used to maneuver the LOK to a rendezvous with the LK lander in lunar orbit, then propel the LOK out of lunar orbit. Verniers included for midcourse corrections.
AKA: 11D68. Status: Hardware. Date: 1964-72. Thrust: 33.20 kN (7,463 lbf). Unfuelled mass: 480 kg (1,050 lb). Specific impulse: 314 s. Burn time: 700 s. Height: 2.77 m (9.08 ft).
Burn time main/vernier engines 700 + 300 sec. Oxidizer to fuel ratio 1,85 / 1,76.
Chambers: 2 + 1. Throttled thrust(vac): 4.089 kN (919 lbf). Engine: 480 kg (1,050 lb). Thrust to Weight Ratio: 7.05. Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio: 1.85.
Storable liquid.
Isayev bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | S5.51 LOK engine Side view of the twin-chamber Isayev S5.51 engine used in the Soyuz 7K-LOK lunar orbiter. The two smaller chambers of the S5.52 supplemental engine protude beyond the main engine bells to either side. Credit: © Mark Wade |
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