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S900 Series
Series of American pressure suits, originally designed for use from 1962 in the SR-71 and Dynasoar aircraft. Further development led to suits used on the U-2 and Space Shuttle in the 1980's.
| S-939 American space suit, cancelled 1962. Full Pressure Suit for the X-20A Dynasoar program. |
| S-1029 American pressure suit, tested 1965. Developmental bladder type partial pressure suit. |
| S1010 American pressure suit, operational 1968. A special variant of the S901, designated the S1010 PPA, was developed specifically for use in the U-2R aircraft in the mid-1960s. |
| S1030 American pressure suit, operational 1970. Upgraded SR-71 full pressure suit, link net with integrated subsystems. |
 | EES American space suit, operational 1980. The initial series of shuttle flights were equipped with specially adapted SR-71 ejection seats for the two crew. |
| S1031 American pressure suit, operational 1980. The S1010 and several S1010 dash variants were later replaced by a further advanced model, the S1031 PPA. The S1031 special projects full pressure suit came in 12 sizes and was used in the TR-1 and U-2R. |
| S1034 American pressure suit, operational 1991. |
 | ACES spacesuit American space suit, operational 1995. The Shuttle Advanced Crew Escape Suit (ACES) replaced the Launch/Entry Suit (LES) from 1995 on. The ACES fulfilled the same functions as the LES. |
| D-1 spacesuit American space suit, operational 1998. The D-1 (S1035X) space suit assembly was developed to provide a functional all-soft suit technology demonstrator prototype model to be used for mobility system testing and evaluation. |
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