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Saturn MLV-V-2
Part of Saturn V
 Saturn V-MLV-2 Credit: © Mark Wade |
American orbital launch vehicle. MSFC study, 1965. Saturn IC stretched 240 inches with 5.6 million pounds propellant and 5 F-1A engines; S-II stretched 41 inches with 1.0 million pounds propellant and 5 J-2 engines; S-IVB stretched 198 inches with 350,000 lbs propellant, 1 HG-3 engine.
Status: Study 1965. Payload: 137,250 kg (302,580 lb). Thrust: 40,019.90 kN (8,996,831 lbf). Gross mass: 3,557,450 kg (7,842,830 lb). Height: 117.00 m (383.00 ft). Diameter: 10.06 m (33.00 ft). Apogee: 185 km (114 mi).
LEO Payload: 137,250 kg (302,580 lb) to a 185 km orbit at 28.00 degrees. Payload: 53,550 kg (118,050 lb) to a translunar trajectory.
Stage Data - Saturn MLV-V-2
- Stage 1. 1 x Saturn MS-IC-1. Gross Mass: 2,694,703 kg (5,940,803 lb). Empty Mass: 169,719 kg (374,166 lb). Thrust (vac): 45,948.754 kN (10,329,691 lbf). Isp: 310 sec. Burn time: 158 sec. Isp(sl): 270 sec. Diameter: 10.06 m (33.00 ft). Span: 19.00 m (62.00 ft). Length: 48.15 m (157.97 ft). Propellants: Lox/Kerosene. No Engines: 5. Engine: F-1A. Status: Study NASA 1966. Comments: Basic Saturn IC stretched 240 inches with F-1A engines uprated 20% in thrust and 6 second improvement in specific impulse.
- Stage 2. 1 x Saturn MS-II-1. Gross Mass: 521,447 kg (1,149,593 lb). Empty Mass: 49,877 kg (109,959 lb). Thrust (vac): 5,165.790 kN (1,161,316 lbf). Isp: 425 sec. Burn time: 361 sec. Isp(sl): 306 sec. Diameter: 10.06 m (33.00 ft). Span: 10.06 m (33.00 ft). Length: 25.88 m (84.90 ft). Propellants: Lox/LH2. No Engines: 5. Engine: J-2. Status: Study NASA 1966. Comments: Basic Saturn II with 41 inch stretch of hydrogen tank.
- Stage 3. 1 x Saturn MS-IVB-2. Gross Mass: 176,600 kg (389,300 lb). Empty Mass: 17,800 kg (39,200 lb). Thrust (vac): 1,401.300 kN (315,025 lbf). Isp: 447 sec. Burn time: 489 sec. Isp(sl): 200 sec. Diameter: 6.61 m (21.68 ft). Span: 6.61 m (21.68 ft). Length: 23.12 m (75.85 ft). Propellants: Lox/LH2. No Engines: 1. Engine: HG-3. Status: Study 1965. Comments: Douglas Studies, 1965: S-IVB with 315 k high pressure 3000 psia engine, 350,000 pounds propellant.
orbital launch vehicle.
von Braun.
Saturn MS-II-1,
Saturn MS-IVB-2,
Saturn MS-IC-1.
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