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Part of TKS
 Polyus Combat Sat Cutaway of the Polyus 1 space weapons platform. Credit: © Mark Wade |
Russian materials science satellite. Cancelled 1992. In 1990 KB Salyut proposed using the back-up of the Polyus 'star wars' test bed as a huge zero-gravity materials production facility.
AKA: TMP. Status: Cancelled 1992. Gross mass: 20,000 kg (44,000 lb). Height: 37.00 m (121.00 ft).
The 90 metric ton spacecraft would return materials to earth in Ofora capsules, stretched versions of the VA capsule developed for the TKS manned ferry. Basic concepts would be proven on the TME Teknologia 20 metric ton satellite to be launched by 1993. No backers for the concept were forthcoming and in 1992 further work on the Energia launch vehicle on which it depended was cancelled.
Materials science satellite,
Space station orbit.
Chelomei bureau.
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