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Skylab Reboost Module
Part of Skylab
 Skylab Reboost Mod Skylab Reboost Module |
American logistics spacecraft. Cancelled 1980. Module developed for Shuttle to deliver to Skylab to boost it to a higher orbit for use during the Shuttle program.
Status: Cancelled 1980. Gross mass: 4,392 kg (9,682 lb). Unfuelled mass: 1,648 kg (3,633 lb). Height: 3.29 m (10.79 ft). Span: 3.35 m (10.99 ft).
Due to Shuttle development delays, Skylab re-entered and burned up over Australia before the first Shuttle mission, and NASA would have to wait another twenty years for a space station.
RCS total impulse: 6,115 kgf-sec.
Logistics spacecraft.
Launch Vehicles:
Space Shuttle.
Photo Gallery
 | Skylab Reboost Modul Credit: Manufacturer Image |
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