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SLS A-410
Part of SLS
 SLS A-410 Credit: © Mark Wade |
American orbital launch vehicle. The smallest identified member of the SLS family, selected to place the Air Force Lunex lunar lander re-entry vehicle in a low earth orbit for initial tests, was the A-410. This consisted of the 'A' LOx/LH2 stage supplemented by 100-inch diameter solid fuel booster rockets.
AKA: Space Launching System A-410. Status: Study 1961. Payload: 9,070 kg (19,990 lb). Thrust: 7,553.00 kN (1,697,981 lbf). Gross mass: 420,000 kg (920,000 lb). Height: 27.00 m (88.00 ft). Diameter: 7.62 m (24.99 ft). Span: 18.60 m (61.00 ft). Apogee: 560 km (340 mi).
LEO Payload: 9,070 kg (19,990 lb) to a 560 km orbit at 28.00 degrees.
Stage Data - SLS A-410
- Stage 1. 4 x SLS SRB 388. Gross Mass: 88,000 kg (194,000 lb). Empty Mass: 13,000 kg (28,000 lb). Thrust (vac): 2,083.900 kN (468,479 lbf). Isp: 260 sec. Burn time: 90 sec. Isp(sl): 235 sec. Diameter: 2.58 m (8.46 ft). Span: 2.58 m (8.46 ft). Length: 16.40 m (53.80 ft). Propellants: Solid. No Engines: 1. Status: Study 1961. Comments: Booster for SLS A series launch vehicles.
- Stage 2. 1 x SLS Stage A. Gross Mass: 59,000 kg (130,000 lb). Empty Mass: 6,000 kg (13,200 lb). Thrust (vac): 889.325 kN (199,928 lbf). Isp: 424 sec. Burn time: 250 sec. Diameter: 4.28 m (14.04 ft). Span: 4.28 m (14.04 ft). Length: 15.00 m (49.00 ft). Propellants: Lox/LH2. No Engines: 1. Engine: J-2. Status: Study 1961. Comments: Smallest Lox/LH2 stage planned for SLS series. Empty mass estimated. Sized for rail transport within USA.
orbital launch vehicle.
SLS Stage A,
SLS SRB 388.
Photo Gallery
 | Lunex B-825 LV Provisional drawing of Lunex B-825 launch vehicle. |
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