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Star 12A
Part of Star 12
 Star-12A Credit: Thiokol |
Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Super SARV Retro was a longer, higher impulse version of the STAR 12, used as a retrograde rocket for an unmanned satellite vehicle.
AKA: 7.5-KS-1,630;Super SARV Retro;TE-M-236-3. Status: In Production. Thrust: 7.25 kN (1,629 lbf). Gross mass: 34 kg (74 lb). Unfuelled mass: 11 kg (24 lb). Specific impulse: 270 s. Burn time: 7.50 s. Diameter: 0.31 m (1.01 ft).
For all future deliveries, changes will be made to this design. Due to the unavailability of outdated materials, the main grain propellant will be changed from TP-G-3085 to TP-H-3340. Because of the higher flame temperature of the TP-H-3340 propellant, the molybdenum throat insert will be changed to G-90 graphite material. Total impulse 6,232 kgf-s. Propellant mass fraction 0.67.
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