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Star 13
Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. A braking motor used by NASA for the Anchored Interplanetary Monitoring Platform program.
AKA: TE-M-458. Status: Out of Production. Number: 9 . Thrust: 3.80 kN (854 lbf). Gross mass: 36 kg (79 lb). Unfuelled mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Specific impulse: 273 s. Burn time: 22 s. Diameter: 0.33 m (1.08 ft).
A charge of AP/Al urethane contained in a spherical case of 6Al-4V titanium, with a graphite/vitreous silica phenolic nozzle. Sweden's Freja scientific satellite used it in October of 1992, to raise its apogee. Total impulse 8,524 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.869.
 | Star 13A Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Orbit insertion motor incorporated the lightweight titanium case developed for the STAR 13 with the propellant and nozzle design of the earlier TE-M-444 apogee motor. |
 | Star 13B Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Orbit insertion motor incorporated the lightweight case developed for the STAR 13 with the propellant and nozzle design of the earlier TE-M-516 apogee motor. |
| Star 13C Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Total impulse 8,252 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.795. |
| Star 13D Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Total impulse 7,799 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.81. |
| Star 13E Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Total impulse 6,438 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.822. |
| Star 13F Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Total impulse 9,608 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.83. |
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