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Star 30
Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Total flown included in total for Star-30A. Total impulse 136,455 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.943.
AKA: TE-M-700-2. Status: Out of Production. Gross mass: 492 kg (1,084 lb). Unfuelled mass: 28 kg (61 lb). Specific impulse: 293 s. Diameter: 0.76 m (2.50 ft).
| Star 30A Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Total impulse 137,095 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.942. |
| Star 30B Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Total impulse 148,816 kgf-sec. Motor propellant mass fraction 0.941. |
 | Star 30C Thiokol solid rocket engine. AS 3000. In Production. Apogee motor used for the RCA G-STAR and Martin Marietta series 3000 telecom satellites. |
 | Star 30E Thiokol solid rocket engine. Koreasat. In Production. Apogee motor used for the BAe Skynet 4 satellite, Koreasat and by the ORBEX small orbital launcher. |
 | Star 30BP Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Apogee motor used for the HS 376 satellite bus. Incorporated an 89-percent-solids HTPB propellant in a 6AI-4V titanium case insulated with silica-filled EPDM rubber. |
HS 376,
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