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Star 5C
Part of Star 5
 Star-5C Credit: Thiokol |
Thiokol solid rocket engine. Out of Production. Titan Retro designed to separate the second stage from the upper stage of the Titan IV launch vehicle.
AKA: 2.67-KS-459;TE-M-344-16. Status: Out of Production. Thrust: 2.04 kN (458 lbf). Burn time: 2.67 s. Diameter: 0.12 m (0.40 ft).
The motor incorporates a reduced aluminum content (2 percent aluminum) propellant to minimize spacecraft contamination and delivers nearly the same total impulse as the STAR 5C (16 percent aluminum) motor. The case, nozzle, and igniter remain unchanged from the STAR 5C, and these same components are qualified for the more severe Titan IV environments. The motor has been successfully static tested from -4 to +177 deg F during qualification.
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