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Star 5CB
Part of Star 5
 Star-5Cb Credit: Thiokol |
Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Reduced Al HTPB propellant (2.1 kg) minimizes contamination when Used in a Titan 4 stage separation motor. Diameter: 121 mm. Length: 341 mm. Mass: 4.5 kg. Total impulse: 5.5 kNs. Burn Time: 2.77 sec.
Status: In Production. Thrust: 2.00 kN (450 lbf). Gross mass: 4.50 kg (9.90 lb). Unfuelled mass: 2.40 kg (5.20 lb). Burn time: 2.77 s. Height: 0.34 m (1.12 ft). Diameter: 0.12 m (0.40 ft).
Propellant Formulation: HTPB.
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