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Star 6B
Part of Star 6
 Star-6B Credit: Thiokol |
Thiokol solid rocket engine. In Production. Delta-V reentry motor developed as a spin-up and propulsion motor for reentry vehicles. The design incorporated an aluminum case and a plastic nozzle assembly.
AKA: 5.9-KS-565;TE-M-790-1. Status: In Production. Number: 23 . Thrust: 2.51 kN (564 lbf). Gross mass: 10 kg (22 lb). Unfuelled mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Specific impulse: 273 s. Burn time: 5.90 s. Diameter: 0.19 m (0.61 ft).
The motor is capable of spinning at 16 revolutions per second during firing and is designed for a wide range (5.7 to 15.7 lb) of propellant loads. Total impulse 1,671 kgf-s. Propellant mass fraction 0.595.
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