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Part of Baklan
 Strizh Suit Strizh suit for Buran Credit: Zvezda |
Russian space suit, operational 1990. The Strizh full-pressure suit was developed for the Buran program. It was qualified to protect the cosmonaut in ejections from the spaceplane at altitudes up to 30 km and speeds of up to Mach 3.
Status: operational 1990.
The suit and the K-36RB (or K-36M-11F35) ejection seat were tested during ascent of a Soyuz booster in a series of five Progress launches (Progress 38 through 42) in 1988-1990.
Space Suits.
Zvezda Design Bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | K-36DM Ejection Seat Buran ejection seat Credit: Zvezda |
 | Strizh Suit Strizh suit for Buran |
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