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STS External Tank Station
 Ext Tank Station 88 Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
American manned space station. Study 1980. NASA studied several concepts in the 1980's using the 'wet workshop' approach to the capacious External Tank carried into orbit with every shuttle flight.
Status: Study 1980.
Despite the incredible logic of this, NASA management never pursued it seriously - seeing it as an irresistible low-cost alternative to their own large modular space station plans.
Space station,
Space station orbit,
USA - Space Stations.
Launch Vehicles:
Space Shuttle.
NASA Huntsville.
Photo Gallery
 | STS External Tanks S Space station based on Shuttle external tank fitted out with surplus Skylab hardware from the National Air and Space Museum, concept of 1977. |
 | Ext Tank Station Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | Ext Tank Station Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | Ext Tank Station Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | Ext Tank Station Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
 | Ext Tank Station Credit: NASA via Marcus Lindroos |
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