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Part of T-140

T220 Hall
Pratt and Whitney / Keldysh Research Center electric rocket engine. Development began in 1997 of this 10 kW Hall thruster Program concluded in 2000 following a 1000 hour erosion characterization.
10 kW Hall thruster. The Advanced Space Transportation Program (ASTP) sponsorship of high-power Hall
thruster development began in 1997 with the award of a 10 kW Hall thruster contract to TRW, Space
Power Inc. and the Keldysh Research Center. Under this contract, the T-220 Hall thruster was delivered to
NASA GRC and a performance investigation was conducted in 1998.2 The program concluded in FY00
following a 1000 hour erosion characterization.
Electrical Input Power: 10.00 kW.
Pratt and Whitney.
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