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Part of TAL
 TAL-WSF TAL-WSF HAL effect thruster Credit: TsNIIMASH |
TsNIIMash electric/xenon rocket engine. Hall effect thruster with anode layer. Export version of D-55 thruster developed under NASA/BMDO contract for flight test under RHETT-II program. Used for WSF satellite orbital altitude maintenance.
AKA: D-55. Status: Development. Thrust: 0.0120 N (0.0020 lbf). Specific impulse: 1,350 s.
Taken to flight model stage. Thrust 4 to 12 mN, power requirement 0.8 to 2.5 kW, specific impulse 1350-2750 seconds, efficiency 55%.
Electrical Input Power: 2.50 kW.
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