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UR-700 / 11D54
Part of UR-700
 UR-700 UR-700 lunar landing launch vehicle - cutaway showing arrangement of N2O4 oxidiser tanks (green) and UDMH fuel tanks (orange). The outer nine 4.1 m diameter modules contained fuel and oxidizer tanks for stage 1 and fuel tanks for the three core modules. After propellant depletion, the nine outer modules would separate, leaving the three core modules to continue their burn. The third stage, based on the Proton first stage, placed the LK-700 spacecraft into a 200 km earth orbit. The LK-700 was equipped with four nearly identical clustered stages. The three outer stages fired to place the spacecraft on a translunar trajectory. The inner core stage was used for midcourse corrections, braked the spacecraft into lunar orbit, and then again until it was just above the lunar surface. Credit: © Mark Wade |
Russian heavy-lift orbital launch vehicle. UR-700 with high energy upper stage consisting of 9 x RD-54 / 11D54 LOx/LH2 engines with a total thrust of 360 metric tons. Usable third stage propellant 300 metric tons, payload to a 200 km, 51.5 degree orbit increased to 185 metric tons
Status: Design 1968. Payload: 185,000 kg (407,000 lb). Thrust: 56,500.00 kN (12,701,700 lbf). Gross mass: 4,790,000 kg (10,560,000 lb). Height: 76.00 m (249.00 ft). Diameter: 17.60 m (57.70 ft). Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
LEO Payload: 185,000 kg (407,000 lb) to a 200 km orbit at 51.00 degrees.
orbital launch vehicle.
Chelomei bureau.
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