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Part of LR79
 XLR-71-NA-1 Credit: Boeing / Rocketdyne |
Rocketdyne LOx/Alcohol rocket engine. Planned engine for the booster of the Navaho II test vehicle. Gas generator, pump-fed.
Status: Development cancelled 1955.. Date: 1950. Thrust: 533.70 kN (119,981 lbf). Specific impulse: 245 s. Specific impulse sea level: 245 s.
Thrust and specific impulse values are at sea level. Two would have been installed per booster. Cancelled in favor of a version of it burning kerosene instead of alcohol fuel, the LR-83.
Thrust (sl): 533.700 kN (119,981 lbf). Thrust (sl): 54,422 kgf.
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