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 Zerkalo Credit: USAF Phillips Laboratory |
Russian communications satellite. In 1991 Lavochkin NPO teamed up with NOOS Space Technologies Ltd. Of Moscow to develop the Zerkalo spacecraft and telecommunications system.
Status: Design 1991. Gross mass: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
The Zerkalo spacecraft was to take advantage of some of Kupon's systems but be heavier (at just over 3,000 kg) and use conventional antennas. The solar array was to produce up to 2.96 kW with 1.4 kW available to the communications payload which would operate in the Ku-band with 10 transponders. The design life of the single spacecraft which was to be stationed at 88.1 degrees E was 5-7 years. The first Zerkalo launch was planned for 1995 or later. Funding was not forthcoming.
Electric System: 2.96 average kW.
Geosynchronous orbit.
Lavochkin bureau.
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