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Agadzhanov, Pavel Artemyevich
 Agadzhanov |
Russian officer. Deputy Chief for Scientific Research at Central KIK Tracking Centre, 1957-1971.
Born: 1923-05-21.
Entered Leningrad Institute for Civil Aviation Engineering in November 1941. Served as a navigator on the Stalingrad front. Completed school in March 1945. Assigned to 4-NII to study tracking of liquid propellant rockets. This led to involvement in setting up the space tracking stations for the first Sputnik in 1957. After 1971 continued research work in the reserves.
1923 May 21 - .
- Birth of Pavel Artemyevich Agadzhanov - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Agadzhanov.
Russian officer. Deputy Chief for Scientific Research at Central KIK Tracking Centre, 1957-1971..
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