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Aleksandrov, Anatoliy Petrovich
 Aleksandrov Anatoliy Credit: NASA |
Russian scientist. President, Academy of Sciences, 1980-1986.
Born: 1903-02-13. Died: 1994-02-03. Birth Place: Tarashee, Kiev.
Anatoliy P. Aleksandrov was a senior member of the of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences throughout much of the 1950s and 1960s and served as its president in 1980-1986. A physicist, Aleksandrov was born in the Ukraine and educated at Kiev State University. He was heavily involved in research on the physics of dielectrics and studies of the properties of compounds having high molecular weight. From 1946 to1955 he worked at the Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, and from 1960 he was the director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy.
1903 February 13 - .
- Birth of Anatoliy Petrovich Aleksandrov - .
Nation: Russia,
Related Persons: Aleksandrov, Anatoliy.
Russian scientist. President, Academy of Sciences, 1980-1986..
1994 February 3 - .
- Death of Anatoliy Petrovich Aleksandrov - .
Nation: Russia,
Related Persons: Aleksandrov, Anatoliy.
Russian scientist. President, Academy of Sciences, 1980-1986..
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