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Alpha Lifeboat
Part of Zarya
 Alpha Lifeboat Credit: © Mark Wade |
Russian manned rescue spacecraft. Study 1995. 1995 joint Energia-Rockwell-Khrunichev design for space station Alpha lifeboat based on the Zarya reentry vehicle with a solid retrofire motor, cold gas thruster package. Five years on-orbit storage.
Status: Study 1995. Payload: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb). Gross mass: 12,500 kg (27,500 lb). Height: 7.20 m (23.60 ft).
Design rejected in June 1996 in favor of use of a modified Soyuz TMA in short term, US X-38 in long term. Mass per crew 1560 kg.
Crew Size: 8. Orbital Storage: 1,825 days.
Space station orbit.
Launch Vehicles:
Space Shuttle.
Korolev bureau,
Chelomei bureau,
North American.
1996 June - .
- Soyuz TMA, X-38 selected as ISS lifeboat over Alpha Lifeboat - .
Nation: Russia.
Program: ISS.
Spacecraft: Alpha Lifeboat,
Soyuz TMA,
The Alpha lifeboat was based on the Zarya reentry vehicle with a solid retrofire motor and cold gas thruster package. The design was rejected in favor of use of modified Soyuz TM in short term, US X-38 in long term..
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