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American Rocketplanes
American manned rocketplane family.
| MX-324 Northrop manned rocketplane. Flown 1944. First U.S. military rocket-powered plane. |
| XP-79 Northrop manned rocket-propelled flying wing fighter. Abandoned when pilot was killed in first test flight with turbojet engines in 1945. |
| XP-92 American manned delta-wing rocketplane. Never flown with rockets, but flew as a turbojet-powered research aircraft, 1948-1953. |
 | XF-91 American manned rocketplane. The Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor was a mixed-power interceptor, being powered by both a jet engine and by a battery of rocket motors. Although it showed promise, it was not put into production. |
| FJ-4F American manned rocketplane. The FJ-4F was a US Navy Fury fighter fitted with a Rocketdyne AR1 engine for quick intercept of Soviet bombers. Two prototypes were tested which reached Mach 1.41 at 22 km altitude. |
1944 July 5 - .
- MX-324 rocket fighter prototype first flight. - .
Crew: Crosby.
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Crosby.
Spacecraft Bus: American Rocketplanes.
Spacecraft: MX-324.
The MX-324, first U.S. military rocket-powered plane built by Northrop, was flown by test pilot Harry Crosby, at Harper Dry Lake, Calif..
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