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Ames, Charles Stuart 'Charlie'
 Ames Charles Credit: via Richard Martin |
American engineer, son of an iron works machinist, Project Engineer on the MX-774 and early Atlas programs. He was remembered as rock-solid, smart, practical, able to obtain the best designs by trading off inter-departmental concepts.
Born: 1915-06-28. Died: 1988-11-09. Birth Place: San Francisco, California.
1915 June 28 - .
- Birth of Charles Stuart 'Charlie' Ames - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Ames, Charles.
American engineer, son of an iron works machinist, Project Engineer on the MX-774 and early Atlas programs. He was remembered as rock-solid, smart, practical, able to obtain the best designs by trading off inter-departmental concepts..
1988 November 9 - .
- Death of Charles Stuart 'Charlie' Ames - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Ames, Charles.
American engineer, son of an iron works machinist, Project Engineer on the MX-774 and early Atlas programs. He was remembered as rock-solid, smart, practical, able to obtain the best designs by trading off inter-departmental concepts..
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