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Apollo SA-14
Part of Apollo Lunar Landing
 Apollo vs N1-L3 Apollo CSM / LM vs L3 Lunar Complex Credit: © Mark Wade |
From September 1962 NASA planned to fly four early manned Apollo spacecraft on Saturn I boosters. Cancelled in October 1963 in order to fly all-up manned Apollo CSM on more powerful Saturn IB.
Launched: 1966 Fall. Number crew: 3 .
NASA originally planned to fly four early manned Apollo spacecraft on Saturn I boosters. The decision was made to conduct all Apollo CSM tests on the more powerful Saturn IB booster. These flights were cancelled in October 1963, before crews were selected. This series of four partial-system lightweight Apollos would have run from fall 1965 to the end of 1966, concurrent with the Gemini program.
1966 Fall - .
- Apollo SA-14 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo SA-14.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM.
From September 1962 NASA planned to fly four early manned Apollo spacecraft on Saturn I boosters. The decision was made to conduct all Apollo tests on the more powerful Saturn IB booster and these flights were cancelled in October 1963..
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