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Asimov, Isaac
 Asimov Credit: NASA |
American writer. Writer of science fiction and popular science.
Born: 1920-01-02. Died: 1992-04-06. Birth Place: Petrovichi.
Isaac Asimov was born in Petrovichi, Russia and came to the United States in 1923. He became a member of the faculty, in biochemistry, with Boston University but gained his greatest fame as a writer of science fiction. He was best known for the Foundation trilogy (1951-1953), as well as his robot stories, and his laws of robotics, collected in I, Robot (1950). Asimov published more than 200 books during his life, many of them fiction but also an enormous quantity of non-fiction. His non-fiction articles and books were an important source of popular information on science and space topics during the space race.
1920 January 2 - .
- Birth of Isaac Asimov - .
Nation: Russia,
Related Persons: Asimov.
Jewish-American writer. Writer of science fiction and popular science..
1992 April 6 - .
- Death of Isaac Asimov - .
Nation: Russia,
Related Persons: Asimov.
Jewish-American writer. Writer of science fiction and popular science..
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