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Baryshev, Vladimir Mikhailovich
 Baryshev |
Russian engineer. Designer of automated check-out and launch systems. Deputy General Designer and Chief of Filial 2 of TsKB Mashinostroyeniye.
Born: 1913. Died: 1992-01-01.
From 1930 worked as a motor mechanic at Zhukovskiy Flight Test Centre. In 1940 completed studies at the Moscow Conductor Design Institute. From 1940-1960 worked on electrical systems at several aviation design bureaus. From 1951-1960 Deputy General Designer at Myasishchev's OKB-23. After this bureau was taken over by Chelomei, worked from 1960-1981 at TsKB / NPO Mashinostroyenia. Here he guided development of electronics systems for the unified transport-launch containers for missiles, the Proton launch vehicle, and several spacecraft.
1992 January 1 - .
- Death of Vladimir Mikhailovich Baryshev. - .
Related Persons: Baryshev.
Russian engineer. Designer of automated check-out and launch systems. Deputy General Designer and Chief of Filial 2 of TsKB Mashinostroyeniye..
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