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American Ball satellite bus in the 2500-kg class to accommodate high-precision optical and radar surveillance payloads.
Status: Operational 2014. First Launch: 2014-08-13. Last Launch: 2014-08-13. Number: 1 .
More at: BCP-5000.
 | WorldView American civilian surveillance satellite. DigitalGlobe's WorldView satellite provided highly detailed imagery for precise map creation, change detection and in-depth image analysis. Earth observing satellite built by Ball Aerospace for DigitalGlobe, USA. Launched 2007. Used the BCP-5000 bus. |
Launch Vehicles:
Atlas V,
Atlas V 401.
Launch Sites:
Vandenberg SLC3E.
2007 September 18 - .
18:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC2W.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7920-10C.
- WorldView 1 - .
Mass: 2,500 kg (5,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Martin.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian surveillance satellite. Spacecraft Bus: BCP-5000.
Spacecraft: WorldView.
USAF Sat Cat: 32060 . COSPAR: 2007-041A. Apogee: 496 km (308 mi). Perigee: 492 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Period: 94.50 min. Spacecraft was equipped with a 0.6-m aperture telescope for high resolution surveillance. Civilian, but primary customer was to be the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency..
2009 October 8 - .
18:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC2W.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7920-10C.
- WorldView-2 - .
Mass: 2,615 kg (5,765 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Martin.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft Bus: BCP-5000.
Spacecraft: WorldView.
USAF Sat Cat: 35946 . COSPAR: 2009-055A. Apogee: 769 km (477 mi). Perigee: 766 km (475 mi). Inclination: 98.50 deg. Period: 100.20 min. Commercial 0.5-meter-resolution, 8-band imaging
2014 August 13 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC3E.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- Worldview-3 - .
Mass: 2,800 kg (6,100 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: ULAL.
Spacecraft: BCP-5000.
USAF Sat Cat: 40115 . COSPAR: 2014-048A. Apogee: 614 km (381 mi). Perigee: 612 km (380 mi). Inclination: 97.99 deg. Period: 96.97 min.
Commercial imaging satellite in a 10:15 local time of descending node sun-synchronous orbit. Ground resolution of 0.31 m panchromatic, and 1.1 m multispectral. After releasing the satellite the Centaur stage restarted and used up its extra propellant by accelerating to an escape trajectory to solar orbit. WV-3 had an imager with 0.3m ground resolution in addition to multispectral and 3.7-micron IR cameras. Digital Globe was formerly EarthWatch Inc, and merged with the former Space Imaging Inc. (GeoEye) in 2012, which itself absorbed EOSAT in 1996 and OrbImage in 2006, completing the consolidation of the first
generation of US commercial imaging companies.
2016 November 11 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC3E.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- WorldView-4 - .
Mass: 2,800 kg (6,100 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: BCP-5000.
USAF Sat Cat: 41848 . COSPAR: 2016-067A. Apogee: 611 km (379 mi). Perigee: 607 km (377 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg.
United Launch Alliance Atlas V, serial AV-062, placed the DigitalGlobe WorldView-4 commercial imaging satellite in orbit. WV-4 was originaly GeoEye-2 before the GeoEye/DG merger, and has a resolution of only 0.25 metres. AV-062 reached a 600 km orbit at 1846 UTC and deployed
WV-4 at 1849 UTC. AV-062 also carried four cubesat deployers on its Aft Bulkhead Carrier. At 2120 UTC AV-062 made its second burn, accelerating to escape velocity to avoid it contributing to LEO space junk. The stage departed the Earth's gravitational sphere of influence on Nov 15 to enter
a solar orbit of 0.93 x 1.57 AU x 3.4 deg.
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