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 Beidou G5 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
The Beidou-2 GEO (geosynchronous orbit) satellites incorporated Beidou-1 location and messaging technology for backward compatibility with existing receivers. Five of these were operational as of the end of 2010.
Status: Operational 2009. First Launch: 2009-04-14. Last Launch: 2012-10-25. Number: 6 . Gross mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb).
Launch Vehicles:
Chang Zheng 3C.
2009 April 14 - .
16:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C.
- Beidou G2 - .
Payload: Beidou DW2. Mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb). Nation: China.
Agency: SISE.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Beidou-GEO.
USAF Sat Cat: 34779 . COSPAR: 2009-018A. Apogee: 35,799 km (22,244 mi). Perigee: 35,783 km (22,234 mi). Inclination: 0.70 deg. Period: 1,436.30 min. First launch of the geostationary component of the Beidou-2 navigation satellite constellation. Experienced control problems; as of 2010 not in the operational constellation..
2010 January 16 - .
16:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C.
- Beidou G1 - .
Payload: Beidou DW3. Mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb). Nation: China.
Agency: SISE.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Beidou-GEO.
USAF Sat Cat: 36287 . COSPAR: 2010-001A. Apogee: 35,972 km (22,351 mi). Perigee: 35,600 km (22,100 mi). Inclination: 1.80 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min. First successful launch in the geostationary component of the Beidou-2 navigation satellite constellation. Stationed at 144.5 deg E..
2010 June 2 - .
15:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C.
- Beidou G3 - .
Payload: Beidou DW4. Mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb). Nation: China.
Agency: SISE.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Beidou-GEO.
USAF Sat Cat: 36590 . COSPAR: 2010-024A. Apogee: 35,796 km (22,242 mi). Perigee: 35,776 km (22,230 mi). Inclination: 1.80 deg. Period: 1,436.00 min. Second successful launch in the geostationary component of the Beidou-2 navigation satellite constellation. Stationed at 84 deg E..
2010 October 31 - .
16:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C.
- Beidou G4 - .
Payload: Beidou DW6. Mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb). Nation: China.
Agency: SISE.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Beidou-GEO.
USAF Sat Cat: 37210 . COSPAR: 2010-057A. Apogee: 35,793 km (22,240 mi). Perigee: 35,781 km (22,233 mi). Inclination: 1.60 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min. Third successful launch in the geostationary component of the Beidou-2 navigation satellite constellation. Stationed at 160 deg E. These three launches in one year completed that portion of the constellation..
2012 February 24 - .
16:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C.
- Beidou G5 - .
Payload: Beidou DW 11. Mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb). Nation: China.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Beidou-GEO.
USAF Sat Cat: 38091 . COSPAR: 2012-008A. Apogee: 35,790 km (22,230 mi). Perigee: 35,784 km (22,235 mi). Inclination: 1.70 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min. Stationed in geostationary orbit at 58.7 deg E..
2012 October 25 - .
15:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C.
- Beidou G6 - .
Payload: Beidou DW16. Mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb). Nation: China.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Beidou-GEO.
USAF Sat Cat: 38953 . COSPAR: 2012-059A. Apogee: 35,797 km (22,243 mi). Perigee: 35,776 km (22,230 mi). Inclination: 1.80 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min. Reached geostationary orbital station at 80.4 E on 1 November. The transfer orbit had an unusually low perigee of around 160 km. Stationed at 80 deg E..
2016 June 12 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Xichang LC3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C.
- Beidou DW 23 - .
Payload: Beidou G7. Nation: China.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Beidou-GEO.
USAF Sat Cat: 41586 . COSPAR: 2016-037A. Apogee: 34,574 km (21,483 mi). Perigee: 217 km (134 mi). Inclination: 19.30 deg. 7th geostationary satellite in the Beidou-2 generation..
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