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Belyakov, Anatoli Mikhailovich
 Belyakov |
Russian officer. Colonel, served at Kapustin Yar from April 1947, at Baikonur from 1957. Key person in integration of pioneering spacecraft, including the early Luna probes, Vostok, Voskhod, and Salyut. Authored over 170 papers.
Born: 1923. Died: 1986-01-01.
1986 January 1 - .
- Death of Anatoli Mikhailovich Belyakov. - .
Related Persons: Belyakov.
Russian officer. Colonel, served at Kapustin Yar from April 1947, at Baikonur from 1957. Key person in integration of pioneering spacecraft, including the early Luna probes, Vostok, Voskhod, and Salyut. Authored over 170 papers..
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