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Part of MAKS
 Bizan |
Russian air-launched orbital launch vehicle. Bizan was the 1982 Soviet air-launched spaceplane design iteration between the '49' and 'MAKS' concepts. Like the '49', it was air-launched from atop an An-124 transport. Unlike the '49', it was a single-stage-to-orbit tripropellant concept.
Status: Study 1981. Payload: 4,000 kg (8,800 lb). Gross mass: 200,000 kg (440,000 lb). Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
The rocket stage was equipped with Lox/Kerosene engines while the orbiter had reusable Lox/LH2 engines that drew propellant from the rocket stage. The advantage with the single stage was that the stage would land in the ocean across the world from the launch point. In the two-stage System 49, the first stage would crash into a drop zone 2000 km from the launching aircraft.
The rocket stage was equipped with a single NK-43A / 11D112A engine. The 15 metric ton orbiter had two RD-57M / 11D57M engines. The orbiter had a 1000 km cross range and a landing speed of 300 km/hr. One crewmember could stay aloft for mission durations of up to 24 hours. The orbiter was designed for 200 reuses and had a 6.0 m x 2.8 m payload bay. As in the '49' concept, orbits of from 120 to 1000 km altitude and 45 to 94 degrees inclination could be attained.
LEO Payload: 4,000 kg (8,800 lb) to a 200 km orbit at 51.00 degrees.
orbital launch vehicle,
Launch Vehicles:
Molniya bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | Bizan Orbiter |
1982 During the Year - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Bizan air-launched spaceplane design completed - .
Nation: Russia.
Bizan was the design iteration between the '49' and 'MAKS' concepts. Like the '49', it was air-launched from atop an An-124 transport. Unlike the '49', it was a single-stage-to-orbit tripropellant concept..
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