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Blagonravov, Anatoli Arkadyevich
 Blagonravov |
Russian scientist. President, Academy Artillery Sciences 1946-1950, leading development of first Soviet sounding rockets. Soviet representative to UN COPUOS and negotiator with NASA on cooperative space projects in early 1960's.
Born: 1894-06-01. Died: 1975-02-04.
Worked in developing infantry and artillery weapons in World War II, and on rockets afterward. President of the Academy of Artillery Sciences 1946-1950, leading Soviet work on exploration of the upper atmosphere using sounding rockets. As Soviet representative to the United Nations' Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in the early 1960s he was also senior negotiator with NASA's Hugh L. Dryden for cooperative space projects at the height of the Cold War in the early 1960s.
1894 June 1 - .
- Birth of Anatoli Arkadyevich Blagonravov - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Blagonravov.
Russian scientist. President, Academy Artillery Sciences 1946-1950, leading development of first Soviet sounding rockets. Soviet representative to UN COPUOS and negotiator with NASA on cooperative space projects in early 1960's..
1975 February 4 - .
- Death of Anatoli Arkadyevich Blagonravov - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Blagonravov.
Russian scientist. President, Academy Artillery Sciences 1946-1950, leading development of first Soviet sounding rockets. Soviet representative to UN COPUOS and negotiator with NASA on cooperative space projects in early 1960's..
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