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Blaik, Earl Henry 'Red'
 Blaik Credit: NASA |
American businessman. Vice president and director of Avco, 1959-60, then director and chairman of executive committee in 1960.
Born: 1897-02-15. Died: 1989-05-05.
Earl Henry ("Red") Blaik (1897-1989) had been a star end on the Army football team before he graduated in 1920. He later became head football coach there in 1941, and in 18 seasons as a coach achieved a 121-33-10 record. He was named coach of the year in 1946 and elected to the National Football Foundation's Hall of Fame in 1964. He became a vice president and director of Avco Corporation, 1959-60, and then director and chairman of its executive committee in 1960.
US Army.
1897 February 15 - .
- Birth of Earl Henry 'Red' Blaik - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Blaik.
American businessman. Vice president and director of Avco, 1959-60, then director and chairman of executive committee in 1960..
1989 May 5 - .
- Death of Earl Henry 'Red' Blaik at Colorado Springs, El Paso, CO. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Blaik.
American businessman. Vice president and director of Avco, 1959-60, then director and chairman of executive committee in 1960..
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