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Bonnet, Roger M
 Bonnet Credit: NASA |
French astronomer. Built first French space astronomy experiment, launched by Veronique 1967. Director of Stellar and Planetary Lab of CNRS 1969-1983. Director of the ESA Scientific Program, 1983-2001.
Born: 1937-12-23. Birth Place: Dourdan.
Roger M. Bonnet of France became director of scientific programs for the European Space Agency (ESA) in 1983. Previously he had been director of the stellar and planetary laboratory of the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) and chair of ESA's Space Science Advisory Committee from 1978 to 1980.
1937 December 23 - .
- Birth of Roger M Bonnet - .
Nation: France.
Related Persons: Bonnet.
French astronomer. Built first French space astronomy experiment, launched by Veronique 1967. Director of Stellar and Planetary Lab of CNRS 1969-1983. Director of the ESA Scientific Program, 1983-2001..
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