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Broglio, Luigi
 Broglio Credit: NASA |
Italian engineer. Leading Italian space engineer. Chairman of the Italian National Committee on Space Research. Conceived and directed the San Marco orbital launch platform off the coast of Kenya, 1964-1988.
Born: 1911-11-11. Died: 2001-01-14. Birth Place: Rome.
Luigi Broglio was chairman of the Italian National Committee on Space Research. He was also a professor at the Aeronautical Engineering School of the University of Rome ''La Sapienza''. He conceived and directed the San Marco Project, a cooperative space initiative between Italy and the U.S. The Italian San Marco space launch facility in Africa was also completed under his direction.
1911 November 11 - .
- Birth of Luigi Broglio - .
Nation: Italy.
Related Persons: Broglio.
Italian engineer. Leading Italian space engineer. Chairman of the Italian National Committee on Space Research. Conceived and directed the San Marco orbital launch platform off the coast of Kenya, 1964-1988..
2001 January 14 - .
- Death of Luigi Broglio. - .
Related Persons: Broglio.
Italian engineer. Leading Italian space engineer. Chairman of the Italian National Committee on Space Research. Conceived and directed the San Marco orbital launch platform off the coast of Kenya, 1964-1988..
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