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Burke, Arleigh A
 Burke Credit: NASA |
American officer. Chief of Naval Operations, 1955-1961, during development of the Polaris SLBM.
Born: 1901-10-19. Died: 1996-01-01.
Arleigh A. Burke was a career naval officer who served as commander of a destroyer squadron and then chief of staff of Task Force 58 during World War II. During the Korean War he was commander of Cruiser Division 5. He was chief of naval operations, 1955-1961, and then retired to become a corporate executive.
1901 October 19 - .
- Birth of Arleigh A Burke - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Burke.
American officer. Chief of Naval Operations, 1955-1961, during development of the Polaris SLBM..
1996 January 1 - .
- Death of Arleigh A Burke. - .
Related Persons: Burke.
American officer. Chief of Naval Operations, 1955-1961, during development of the Polaris SLBM..
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