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Cabell, Charles P
 Cabell Credit: NASA |
American officer. USAF intelligence, Deputy Director, CIA 1953-1962. Promoted U-2 and Corona spy satellite. Forced to resign after Bay of Pigs debacle.
Born: 1903-10-11. Died: 1971-05-25.
Charles P. Cabell was a career officer in the Army Air Corps and later the Air Force, rising to the rank of general in 1958. During World War II he commanded a combat wing in the European theatre and later was director of operations and intelligence, Mediterranean Allied Air Forces from 1944-1945. In 1948 he was director of intelligence, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, and from 1953-1962 he served as deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
1903 October 11 - .
- Birth of Charles P Cabell - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Cabell.
American officer. USAF intelligence, Deputy Director, CIA 1953-1962. Promoted U-2 and Corona spy satellite. Forced to resign after Bay of Pigs debacle..
1971 May 25 - .
- Death of Charles P Cabell at Arlington, VA. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Cabell.
American officer. USAF intelligence, Deputy Director, CIA 1953-1962. Promoted U-2 and Corona spy satellite. Forced to resign after Bay of Pigs debacle..
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