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Chinese Supergun
 Chinese Supergun |
In January 1995 the Chinese army unveiled a 21 m long supergun capable of firing large artillery shells into South Korea and Taiwan. The gun could fire 85 mm shells over a 300 km range. Nothing further was heard of the weapon. Interestingly, China was one of the countries that retained Gerard Bull as a consultant in artillery design in the 1980's. It would seem that the supergun retained its military appeal as a psychological weapon or in anti-satellite applications.
Status: Active. Payload: 40 kg (88 lb).
Maximum range: 300 km (180 mi).
1995 January - .
Launch Vehicle:
Chinese Supergun.
- Chinese supergun - .
Nation: USA.
The Chinese army unveiled a 21 m long supergun capable of firing large artillery shells into South Korea and Taiwan. The gun could fire 85 mm shells over a 300 km range..
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