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Craigie, Laurence C
 Craigie Credit: NASA |
American test pilot. First American to fly a jet aircraft, the XP-59. After WW2 he directed Air Force research and development programs. USAF deputy chief of staff for development, 1951-1954. Retired 1955 after a heart attack.
Born: 1902-01-26. Died: 1994-02-27.
Laurence C. Craigie , was a career Air Force officer, and the first U.S. military jet pilot in 1942 when he flew the Bell XP-59. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy a West Point, in 1923 he went into the Army Air Corps and became a pilot. In World War II was served in a variety of weapons development programs, as well as in a combat role in North Africa and Corsica. After the war, he directed the Air Force's research and development programs, serving as USAF deputy chief of staff for development, 1951-1954, and commander of Allied Air Force in Southern Europe before his retirement following a heart attack in 1955.
1902 January 26 - .
- Birth of Laurence C Craigie - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Craigie.
American test pilot. First American to fly a jet aircraft, the XP-59. After WW2 he directed Air Force research and development programs. USAF deputy chief of staff for development, 1951-1954. Retired 1955 after a heart attack..
1994 February 27 - .
- Death of Laurence C Craigie at Riverside, CA. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Craigie.
American test pilot. First American to fly a jet aircraft, the XP-59. After WW2 he directed Air Force research and development programs. USAF deputy chief of staff for development, 1951-1954. Retired 1955 after a heart attack..
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