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Crusader X
Part of X-Prize
 Crusader X |
American manned spacecraft. Study 2004. X-Prize suborbital ballistic spacecraft concept of Micro-Space, Inc of Denver, Colorado.
Status: Study 2004.
Crusader X was proposed by a team led by Richard Speck of Micro-Space, Inc of Denver, Colorado. The concept used rocket powered vertical takeoff followed by a parachute descent. The Crusader X used a lightweight core frame with seats and windshield resembling a bobsled. This was strapped to the flank of a cluster of rocket motors. The sealed Personal Life Support unit included a backup parachute, communications, and GPS gear. The core frame held the attitude control jets, tiny flight controller, and parachute packages.
America's Space Prize,
Manned spacecraft,
2003 September 20 - .
- Crusader X engine tests. - .
Nation: USA.
Program: X-Prize.
Spacecraft Bus: X-Prize.
Spacecraft: Crusader X.
Micro-Space (Denver, Colorado, USA) conducted flight testing of their low thrust, liquid fuel launch system for the 6th and 7th times. Ground support and launch systems have been perfected..
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