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DuBridge, Lee Alvin
 DuBridge Credit: NASA |
American physicist. President of Caltech 1946-1969; Science Adviser to Presidents Truman and Nixon.
Born: 1901-09-21. Died: 1994-01-23.
Lee A. DuBridge , a physicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin (1926), became director of the radiation laboratory at MIT after an academic career capped to that point by a deanship at the University of Rochester, 1938-1941. He was president of the California Institute of Technology between 1946 and 1969, when he resigned to serve as science advisor to Richard M. Nixon. He had been involved in several governmental science advisory organizations before taking up his formal White House duties in 1969 and serving in that capacity until 1970.
1901 September 21 - .
- Birth of Lee Alvin DuBridge - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: DuBridge.
American physicist. President of Caltech 1946-1969; Science Adviser to Presidents Truman and Nixon..
1994 January 23 - .
- Death of Lee Alvin DuBridge - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: DuBridge.
American physicist. President of Caltech 1946-1969; Science Adviser to Presidents Truman and Nixon..
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