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Dynasoar 3
Part of Dynasoar
 X-20 Dynasoar X-20 Dynasoar in orbit Credit: © Mark Wade |
Planned Dynasoar first manned single-orbit flight. The flight would have been devoted to demonstrating pilot control of the spacecraft and evaluation of the systems (this was to have followed two unmanned flight tests). Project cancelled December 1963.
Launched: 1966 July. Number crew: 1 .
A nominal re-entry would be flown at a pitch angle of 36 degrees.
Jim Wood would have flown the first manned Dyna-Soar -- he was the senior test pilot on the project, and Hank Gordon told Michael Cassutt years ago that there was no question he was going to get the first flight. (The Dyna-Soar office was structured like a typical Edwards flight test program, where there really was a lead or senior project pilot). The other five X-20 pilots in active training at the end of the program were Crews, Gordon, Knight, Rogers, and Thompson.
1966 July - .
- Dynasoar 3 (cancelled) - .
Crew: Wood.
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Wood.
Flight: Dynasoar 3.
Spacecraft: Dynasoar.
At the time the Dynasoar project was cancelled, the first manned single-orbit flight was planned for July 1966. Jim Wood would have flown the first manned Dyna-Soar..
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