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Dynasoar 8
Part of Dynasoar
 Dyna Soar Credit: USAF |
Planned sixth manned Dynasoar single-orbit flight. Would demonstrate maneuver in orbit and during re-entry, and a precision recovery. Project cancelled in December 1963
Launched: 1967 Fall. Number crew: 1 .
The use of aerodynamic range control during an early re-entry would be tested, as well as the dynamic stability and aerothermal maneuver in pitch, yaw, and roll during re-entry.
1967 Fall - .
- Dynasoar 8 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Flight: Dynasoar 8.
Spacecraft: Dynasoar.
Planned date for sixth manned flight of the X-20 Dynasoar..
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