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 Eole Credit: via Jean-Jacques Serra |
French test vehicle. Second missile developed by Jean-Jacques Barre and end of that lineage.
AKA: EA 1946;Project 4211. Status: Retired 1952. First Launch: 1952-11-22. Last Launch: 1952-11-24. Number: 2 . Payload: 275 kg (606 lb). Thrust: 100.00 kN (22,480 lbf). Gross mass: 3,400 kg (7,400 lb).
On 17 May 1946 the French DEFA Agency established the LRBA (Ballistics and Aeronautical Research Laboratory). Jean-Jacques Barre was authorized to develop an improved version of his EA 1941 wartime indigenous rocket design on 15 October, 1946. This development was in competition with the Veronique, being developed for LRBA by a German team. Barre's EA 1946, powered by a liquid oxygen/gasoline engine with a 100 kN thrust, was intended to be a credible army weapon. Static tests began in February 1949 in Vernon, but it took three years and a switch to ethanol fuel to obtain stable combustion. Two flight tests in 1952 ended in failure. After six years the German design teams had produced better results, and the French military decided storable propellant engines offered more promise. The project was cancelled.
Maximum range: 800 km (490 mi).
Early Rocketry,
test vehicle.
Launch Sites:
1946 October 15 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- EA 1946 development authorised - .
Nation: France.
Related Persons: Barre.
The improved version of the EA 1941 is dubbed Eole and will use a fuel-cooled combustion chamber walls..
1949 February 4 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Eole engine bench tests begin - .
Nation: France.
Related Persons: Barre.
The engine runs for 13.5 seconds, 4.5 seconds early, due to heavier-than-expected liquid oxygen consumption..
1950 January 6 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Eole engine explodes - .
Nation: France.
Related Persons: Barre.
The engine begins oscillatory combustion at 20 seconds and explodes violently at 34 seconds. The explosion is visible 40 km from the LRBA test site at Vernon..
1951 September 25 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Eole successful engine test - .
Nation: France.
Related Persons: Barre.
The liquid oxygen/alcohol engine produces 9.59 tonnes thrust and an exhaust velocity of 2110 m/s..
1952 September 30 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Eole program terminated - .
Nation: France.
Related Persons: Barre.
The Veronique developed by the LRBA German team has been more successful and the French military sees no use for rockets using liquid oxygen on the battlefield..
1952 November 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed after seven seconds of flight..
Failed Stage: 1.
1952 November 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed after 25 seconds of flight..
Failed Stage: 1.
- Test mission - .
Nation: France.
Apogee: 2.95 km (1.83 mi). The tracers used on the last flight were omitted. This rocket again loses its fins, but continued to an altitude of 2.95 km. It is determined that the fins were not able to withstand going through the sound barrier..
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