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 Eureca-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
European materials science satellite. Microgravity experiments; deployed from one shuttle mission, left in earth orbit for extended periods, and retrieved and returned to earth on a later shuttle flight. retrievable satellite satellite built by MBB-ERNO (prime) for ESA, Europe. Launched 1992.
AKA: European Retrievable Carrier. Status: Operational 1992. First Launch: 1992-07-31. Last Launch: 1992-07-31. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 4,491 kg (9,900 lb).
Frequency plan: 2053.4583/22 30 MHz, 28 GHz/ 18 GHz (data-relay via Olympus).
More at: Eureca.
Materials science satellite.
Launch Vehicles:
Space Shuttle.
Launch Sites:
Cape Canaveral,
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
1992 July 31 - .
13:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- Eureca-1 - .
Payload: Atlantis F12 / Eureca 1 / TSS 1. Mass: 4,491 kg (9,900 lb). Nation: Europe.
Agency: ESA.
Class: Materials.
Type: Materials science satellite. Spacecraft: Eureca.
Decay Date: 1993-07-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 22065 . COSPAR: 1992-049B. Apogee: 509 km (316 mi). Perigee: 484 km (300 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 94.60 min.
Microgravity experiments; deployed from STS-46 8/2/92; retrieved by STS-57; European Retrievable Carrier. EURECA is a European scientific and technology mission, launched by the US Space Transportation System. The spacecraft is scheduled to be retrieved likewise by the US/STS in late spring/early summer 1993. Designator ESA/92/01. Frequency plan: 2053.4583/22 30 MHz, 28 GHz/ 18 GHz (data-relay via Olympus).
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