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Extended Mission Gemini
Part of Gemini

Extended Gemini
Credit: McDonnell Douglas
American manned spacecraft. Study 1965. A McDonnell concept for using Gemini for extended duration missions. The basic Gemini would dock with an Agena upper stage.
Status: Study 1965. Height: 16.90 m (55.40 ft).
Between the docking collar and the Agena was an orbital shelter where the crew would live and work for weeks at a time.
The crew would transfer from the Gemini to the miniature space station via an inflatable airlock.
Crew Size: 2.
Manned spacecraft,
Space station orbit,
USA - Space Stations.
Launch Vehicles:
Photo Gallery
 | Gemini Variants Modest modifications of Gemini proposed by McDonnell Douglas as a follow-on to the basic program (927 x 723 pixel version). Credit: McDonnell Douglas |
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