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McDonnell, James S
 McDonnell Credit: NASA |
American engineer, president of McDonnell Aircraft 1939-1972. His innovative fighter designs were initially unsuccessful, but the F-4 and F-15 were the premier US fighters after 1960. Contractor for the Mercury, Gemini , and MOL spacecraft.
Born: 1899-04-01. Died: 1980-08-01.
James S. McDonnell, Jr. graduated from MIT with an M.S. in aeronautical engineering in 1925 and worked as an engineer and pilot with a variety of aircraft companies before he founded McDonnell Aircraft Corp. in St. Louis in 1939. He served as its president until 1962. The FH-1 Phantom, which first flew in 1946, was the first in a line of fighter aircraft his company produced, including the F-4 Phantom 2, the F-15 Eagle, and the F- 18 Hornet. In 1959 the company became the contractor for the Mercury spacecraft; almost three years later it also became contractor for the Gemini spacecraft. In 1967, McDonnell Aircraft merged with Douglas Aircraft Co. to form McDonnell Douglass Corp., with James McDonnell serving as chairman and chief executive officer until 1972 and chairman thereafter.
McDonnell Project 7969,
Gemini LOR,
Mercury Mark I,
Apollo Direct CM,
Apollo Direct RM,
Apollo Direct SM,
Apollo Direct TLM,
Gemini Lunar Lander,
Gemini Transport,
Gemini Ferry,
McDonnell Spaceplane 1963,
Gemini - Saturn I,
Gemini - Saturn IB,
Gemini - Saturn V,
Gemini - Double Transtage,
Gemini Agena Target Vehicle,
Apollo Experiments Pallet,
Extended Mission Gemini,
Gemini Satellite Inspector,
Gemini Lunar Surface Rescue Spacecraft,
Gemini Paraglider,
Gemini Observatory,
Rescue Gemini,
Winged Gemini,
Gemini Lunar Surface Survival Shelter,
Gemini LORV,
Space Station 1970,
Big Gemini,
Gemini B AM,
Gemini B RM,
Space Base,
Planetary Mission Module,
Modularized Space Station.
1899 April 1 - .
- Birth of James S McDonnell - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: McDonnell.
American engineer, president of McDonnell Aircraft 1939-1972. His innovative fighter designs were initially unsuccessful, but the F-4 and F-15 were the premier US fighters after 1960. Contractor for the Mercury, Gemini , and MOL spacecraft..
1980 August 1 - .
- Death of James S McDonnell at Saint Louis, MO. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: McDonnell.
American engineer, president of McDonnell Aircraft 1939-1972. His innovative fighter designs were initially unsuccessful, but the F-4 and F-15 were the premier US fighters after 1960. Contractor for the Mercury, Gemini , and MOL spacecraft..
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