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Rescue Gemini
Part of Gemini

Rescue Gemini
A version of Gemini was proposed for rescue of crews stranded in Earth orbit. This version, launched by a Titan 3C, used a transtage for manoeuvring. The basic Gemini re-entry module was extended to 120 inches (3.05 m) diameter to provide a passenger compartment for the rescued crew. The same concept would eventually be used for Big Gemini.
Credit: McDonnell Douglas
American manned rescue spacecraft. Study 1966. A version of Gemini was proposed for rescue of crews stranded in Earth orbit. This version, launched by a Titan 3C, used a transtage for maneuvering.
Status: Study 1966. Thrust: 71.17 kN (15,999 lbf). Gross mass: 12,300 kg (27,100 lb). Unfuelled mass: 6,300 kg (13,800 lb). Specific impulse: 311 s. Height: 11.00 m (36.00 ft).
The basic Gemini reentry module was extended to 120 inches (3.05 m) diameter to provide a passenger compartment for up to three rescued crew. The same concept would eventually be used for Big Gemini.
Crew Size: 5. Habitable Volume: 2.55 m3. Spacecraft delta v: 2,000 m/s (6,500 ft/sec).
Space station orbit.
Launch Vehicles:
Photo Gallery
 | Gemini Variants Modest modifications of Gemini proposed by McDonnell Douglas as a follow-on to the basic program (927 x 723 pixel version). Credit: McDonnell Douglas |
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